Bren Gun MkI. AA Handle Tripod Storage Clips Bren Gun MkI. AA Handle Tripod Storage Clips Bren Gun MkI. AA Handle Tripod Storage Clips Bren Gun MkI. AA Handle Tripod Storage Clips

Bren Gun MkI. AA Handle Tripod Storage Clips

These are museum quality reproduction and are not sold as genuine items. They are made from very high grade steel to exact spec. of the originals.
They are used for the following purpose. These were secured to the Bren tripod for the use of attaching the AA handle that was attached to the butt for use in the AA role. When not in use the AA handle was then clipped back into these for transit in the field.
These are a nice item for those with Bren tripods to represent a early display piece.
Any questions please ask.

Code: 50096
